Ilona’s Wolf #free @Amazon Dec. 16-20 steamy #PNR

My steamy werewolf novella, Ilona’s Wolf, is free at starting today and running through Dec. 20! If you’re looking for a hot read on a cold night, this story is for you!

Ilona's Wolf coverPrincess Ilona is rescued by a wolf that transforms into a handsome, naked man. Cursed by an evil wizard, Rolf was trapped in wolf form until he tasted the blood of a royal. Now he must escort the princess on a hazardous journey to the castle. Passion flares between them, but both know there is no future for a princess and a werewolf. Or is there… in a world where magic and passion combine?

Download free (or borrow on Kindle Unlimited) at: Amazon US, Amazon AU, Amazon Canada, and Amazon UK.


Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Velosia, magic was more precious than gold. The few who possessed it were highly prized, for not everyone could learn to wield the magic, only those who were sorcerers born.

Unscrupulous men tried to control the sorcerers, to use the magic for their own purposes. For power, wealth and control. But the magicians paid a terrible price. For in this world, magic was designed to do good. Use of magic for selfish or evil reasons drained them of their power. And so the villains of the kingdom continually sought new sources of the precious magic.

Now an evil sorcerer schemed to gain control of the kingdom. What he could not bewitch, he tried to destroy. One courageous knight stood in the way, until he was cursed and banished.

Our story begins with a young woman in a crimson cloak walking through the forest, followed by a woodsman and a wolf. A familiar tale, you might say. Ah, but she is no common girl, and this is no ordinary wolf.

* * *

The wolf trotted through the forest, head up, senses extending outward, alert for danger. He’d been running for his life forever, or so it seemed. The smell of lust came first, musky and tinged with violence. He paused, sniffed deeply, then changed direction and speed, loping toward the scent, for now he sensed another—sweet, innocent and frightened. Soon he heard the rustling of feet on dry leaves. Two sets of feet, one following the other.

Protect, defend, avenge. The words pounded in his brain, though he knew not why.

Protect, defend, avenge. Running now, he raced toward the two humans, fearing what would happen if he were too late.

Ilona's Wolf quote

Lyndi Lamont

Murder Plotted: Marooned by Lyndi Lamont #MFRWHooks

MFRW Book Hooks logo

In this week’s #MFRWHooks I’m sharing the opening hook from my steamy pirate story, Marooned, featuring a beautiful witch and a pirate.

Marooned graphic

Atlantic Ocean, 1718

“We should kill her before she harms us,” Kitty whined. “It would serve the witch right.”

Roger let out a sigh. “Not yet. I need her until my position is established. Once I am master of the plantation, and have my own people in key positions, sweet Heather can disappear and you will be the new Mrs. Parnell.”

Heather bit back a gasp and pressed her ear closer to the crack in the cabin wall. It was decidedly unpleasant to hear one’s own murder discussed so dispassionately. Every fiber of her being brimmed with hatred for the man she’d been forced to marry. The man who had driven her father to suicide. The man who now wanted to murder her and put his mistress in her place.

She blinked back tears. How could this have happened? A year ago, she’d left Jamaica with hopes of finding a husband, a good man she could love with all the passion pent up within her breast. Passion that had turned to cold, deadly anger.

Marooned coverBlurb:

Heather Parnell is traveling from England to her home in Jamaica with her new husband, Roger, a man she detests. She performs a banishing spell with unintended consequences. When their ship is attacked by pirates, Roger is killed. Heather, disguised as a boy, joins the pirate crew.

Pirate captain Adam Langworth suspects there is something odd about the new lad. When he discovers she is a woman, she begs him to keep her secret, a violation of the ships’ articles. When her identity is discovered, Adam and Heather find themselves marooned on a deserted island with nothing to do for the rest of their lives but make love.

Disclaimer: This is a 12,000 word steamy romantic short story, not a full-length novel. Previously published by Amber Quill Press. Contains a sexy pirate, a naughty witch, cussing and fornicating. They are pirates, after all.

Marooned is available exclusively at Amazon until Dec. 21. Grab a copy for 99 cents or read for free with KU.

Amazon AU:
Amazon CA:
Amazon UK:

Wide distribution starts in 2019.

As always, click on the linky list below for more #MFRWHooks.
