#Paris: Musee D’Orsay Statues and Impressionists #TuesdayTravels

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After leaving the sadness of the Conciergerie, Rebecca and I got back on the Metro for a short ride to Musee D’Orsay, situated on the left bank of the Seine close to the river. This is an amazing museum, located in a 19th century train station built on monumental proportions. The open plan of the wide main hall, lined with statues, came as a nice contrast to the claustrophobia of the prison. The overall ambience of the museum lifted our spirits considerably.

Musee D'Orsay

We wandered down the Main Hall, enjoying the statues in the former rail concourse.

The huge clock on the wall was fascinating to see. I took way too many pictures of it. If you look closely, You can see the other side of the Seine.

Orsay clockHere’s a better view taken from the fifth floor. The church perched on top of the hill must be Sacre Couer in Montmartre.

Sacre CouerFinally we got into a very small and crowded elevator and headed for the fifth floor to see the Impressionist paintings. The gallery was long and wide and contained dozens of paintings, many of the famous and easily recognizable. Of all the artists represented, my favorites were Monet (always #1) as well as Degas, Cezanne and Renoir. The light was dimmer than downstairs and my photos didn’t come out as well, so please excuse any fuzziness.

I really loved these two paintings: City Dance and Country Dance. The country couple do seem to be having more fun!

Country Dance City Dance

Country Dance and City Dance by Pierre Auguste Renoir

This was one of our longer days and we were exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel. I really do not recommend trying to see Paris in four days!


Revolutionary Paris: Conciergerie Prison #TuesdayTravels

Tuesday Travel buttonAfter a morning of visiting churches, Rebecca and I stopped for lunch across the street from the Palace of Justice. We both ordered Seafood Salad. I liked the baby shrimp on greens and the salmon mousse that we spread on toast, but not the smoked salmon. I felt guilty for not eating it, but I really don’t like the taste of smoked fish, or meat for that matter.

Palais de Justice

Mid-19th c. Palais de Justice with Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite above the doors.

Fortified, we headed to the Conciergerie, a Medieval royal palace later turned into a prison, and the site of Marie Antoinette’s imprisonment until her death at the guillotine in 1793. I found a better picture than I could take at Deposit Photos. This photo was obviously taken on a much nicer day than the day of our visit!


Bridge of Change (Pont au Change) over river Seine and Conciergerie Castle.–© [email protected]

The great hall, formerly the Salle des Gardes, Hall of the Soldiers, has marvelous medieval arches and vaulted ceilings.

It was chilly inside, and not just because of the temperatures. I believe some buildings retain residual joy or sadness, and what I felt here was sadness. Or perhaps it is haunted. During the Reign of Terror, the Revolutionary Tribunal sent 2,6000 people to their deaths, including the unlucky queen.


The marble bust of French queen Marie-Antoinette, © abxyz


Keys to the cells

We went to the upper floors to look at the cells, some of which were quite small. Others, presumably for important prisoners, were larger, such as these.

Pretty grim and depressing, I think. I also took a not-very-good photo of a 1790 print of the Conciergerie in the background and a tumbrel of prisoners being taken to their death.

La Conciergerie 1790

La Conciergerie 1790

I’ve been thinking a lot about the French Revolution lately, doing research and gearing up for a new story set in the 1790s. The revolution started with such high principles, and then took a turn to the violent, becoming about revenge against the old order and even against the moderate revolutionaries. It’s a sobering lesson for all of us, I think.

I promise next week’s post will be cheerier.
