Memories of Fall Colors, Pt. 1 #MFRWhooks #MFRWauthor

MFRW Authors Blog

It’s November in Southern California, which means warm to hot sunny days and blue skies, a far cry from what we think of as Fall Color. I grew up in Pittsburgh, which always had a spectacular display of fall leaves. My dad would pile everyone in the car on a weekend and we’d drive out on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to gawk at the lovely colors.

Fall landscape

My memories of autumn in Western Pennsylvania, the setting for my Historical Romance, Rogue’s Hostage, inspired the scene this snippet comes from in today’s edition of MFRW BookHooks! The scene takes place at Fort Duquesne, where Mara has been taken by her captor Jacques. (Emile was her husband.)

Sighing, she moved to stand next to one of Jacques’s precious cannon. The view from the ramparts was magnificent. Under a leaden sky, the green of bushes and grasses seemed more intense than ever. The turbulent waters of the river tumbled past the fort, frothing over the rocks along the shore.

She glanced toward the hills on the other side of the Monongahela. The heavily forested slopes were dappled by drifts of gossamer mist, but not thickly enough to obscure the colors of autumn. Among the green shone clusters of gold and orange. Occasional patches of red were visible, as if stained by the blood of the men who had died trying to possess this cursed spot.

Rogue's Hostage

Sensual Historical Romance


His hostage…

In 1758 the Pennsylvania frontier is wild, primitive and dangerous, where safety often lies at the end of a gun. Mara Dupré’s life crumbles when a French and Indian war party attacks her cabin, kills her husband, and takes her captive. Marching through the wilderness strengthens her resolve to flee, but she doesn’t count on her captor teaching her the meaning of courage and the tempting call of desire.

Her destiny…

French lieutenant Jacques Corbeau’s desire for his captive threatens what little honor he has left. But when Mara desperately offers herself to him in exchange for her freedom, he finds the strength to refuse and reclaims his lost self-respect. As the shadows of his past catch up to him, Jacques realizes that Mara, despite the odds, is the one true key to reclaiming his soul and banishing his past misdeeds forever.

Nominated for a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Small Press Romance, 2003

Amazon, All Romance eBooks,Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords.

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Happy HOWLOWEEN! Witches, Werewolves and Fairy Tales #hopswithheart

HOWLOWEEN blog hop

UPDATE: The bloghop ended Nov. 1. Congratulations to Janet Haselden, who won the $50 Amazon gift card Grand Prize, and to Jean MP who won my prize of a $10 Amazon gift card and Halloween socks. A big thank you to everyone who participated in a wonderful blog hop.

Welcome to the HOWLOWEEN Paranormal Romance Blog Hop! To enter the Grand Prize Giveaway, fill out the Rafflecopter box below and press enter! (One entry per person.)

Grand Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card!

My Prize: $10 Amazon Gift Card and Pirate-themed Halloween Socks

Halloween was my favorite holiday when I was a kid. I had two favorite outfits: wicked witch or Little Red Riding Hood. I don’t remember if the witch costume was store bought, but I remember that my mom made the red skirt and cape for my Little Red Riding Hood costume. Being practical minded, she sewed the skirt with a gathered waist and deep hem so it could be let out and lengthened as I grew. That way, I got to wear it more than one year. So it’s probably no coincidence that the first two paranormal stories I wrote involved a witch and a werewolf.

Ilona's Wolf coverMy novella, Ilona’s Wolf: A Fairy Tale Romance, was inspired by Little Red Riding Hood and features a runaway princess and a cursed werewolf. It begins with the wolf saving Ilona from a dangerous woodsman.

Princess Ilona is rescued by a wolf that transforms into a handsome, naked man. Cursed by an evil wizard, Rolf was trapped in wolf form until he tasted the blood of a royal. Now he must escort the princess on a hazardous journey to the castle. Passion flares between them, but both know there is no future for a princess and a werewolf. Or is there in a world where magic and passion combine?

Only 99 cents from, Barnes and Noble, iBooks and Smashwords.

Heather Parnell of Marooned is my 18th century hereditary witch. The research was a bit tricky, since witches of the period had to keep their craft in secret. The previous centuries had witnessed massive witch hunts, and many women were drowned, hanged or burned at the stake. Modern witches still refer to the period as the “Burning Times”.

Marooned coverBlurb:

Heather MacGibbon is traveling from England to her home in Jamaica with her new husband, Roger Parnell, a man she detests. She performs a banishing spell with unintended consequences. When their ship is attacked by pirates, Roger is killed, and Heather, disguised as a boy, joins the pirate crew.

Pirate captain Adam Langworth soon discovers Heather is a woman, but agrees to keep her secret, a violation of the ships’ articles. When her identity is discovered, Adam and Heather find themselves marooned on a deserted island with nothing to do for the rest of their lives but make love…

Disclaimer: This is a 12,000 word steamy romantic short story, not a full-length novel. Previously published by Amber Quill Press. Contains a sexy pirate, a naughty witch, cussing and fornicating.

Only 99 cents at Amazon, BN/Nook, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords. Read an excerpt.

What’s your favorite Halloween costume? Let me know in the comments to be entered for my prize of a $10 Amazon gift card and Halloween pirate socks. And don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter to win the Grand Prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click below to keep hopping in the Howloween Blog Hop. Happy Halloween.

Lyndi Lamont

Click on a name below to keep hopping. And have a safe and fabulous HOWLOWEEN!