Deep POV and “Other Than” by Mia Jo Celeste #AuthorLove #Romance

Mia Jo Celeste is here today to share her thoughts on deep Point of View, plus and excerpt from her gaslamp fantasy, Other Than, for our #AuthorLove exchange. I love your cover, Mia Jo.


A Quick Trick to Deepen Your Character’s Point of View
and a Look at Other Than

by Mia Celeste

Like most readers, I find characters compelling. I’m drawn to books where I’m in the character’s head—which might be a rough description of deep point of view (POV). As a writer, I try to deepen POV in my stories. Here’s one quick way.

Search for filter words in your draft. Filter words are words like: see, hear, think, wonder, know, believe, smell and appear.

Here’s an example: Daphne wondered if the fiend had seen her.

Filter words like wondered remind the reader that a narrator is telling the story. They take the reader out of the character’s head, so the trick is find these words and rewrite the sentence they’re in. We’ll start with our example.

Daphne crouched behind the broken pew. She wondered if the fiend had seen her.

Daphne crouched behind the broken pew. Her breathing loud in her ears, she peeked out. Had the fiend seen her?

The fiend rifled through the paint tarps covering the altar. Daphne crouched behind the broken pew. Waiting. Waiting. Her chest tight.

I think you’ll agree. The point of view is more compelling without she wondered. You can replace a filter word with a feeling, a perception or a thought your main character has about her present situation.

Other Than cover

When I wrote Other Than, a Gaslamp Fantasy/ Paranormal Historical Romance, I tried to limit the filter words, so readers could experience events with Evangeline Woods, the main character.

Adrenaline fueling her speed, she attempted to outrace the flickering destruction climbing the stairs along her heels and succeeded. Amazingly succeeded. Apparently, the fire was slowing, as though sated and content to toy with the kitchen.

Perhaps Sesha and Jessup had convinced their Almighty to aid her even after she’d reneged on her promise. She owed them—she’d save the cure in their memory. She sped into the ruined conservatory and got to the table, but the rack was empty. No vials. And the top of Jessup’s desk was clear. His journals and notes were gone.

On the floor, splattered blood led to and from the threshold. She followed it to the phoenix room and sensed Victor beyond the door.

He was alive. She’d found him.

For a moment, she gave in to giddy relief. Then, she turned the knob and entered.

Victor was before her. Surrounded by smoke, but before her.

His hair singed, the right side of his face blistered from heat, the left a deadly pallid, he slumped on the red-quilted bed and mopped at a red gushing hole in his abdomen with his torn off shirt. Seeing her, he straightened. Hope gleamed in his eyes. “You came. I called and you came.”

“You called?” She wanted to lift and twirl him in the air like he did her. Silly maybe. She was as dazed as the phoenix in the wall paper.

Real flames gnawed the hand-painted vines. “Why? Why are you here?”

“You don’t give me much credit.” His eager grin flattened. “Where is that trust, you’re working on?”

She wrung her hands. Their future depended on his next words. “You came because of the Maiden, didn’t you?”

“Damn right. I shan’t spend the rest of my life with her egregious murmurs in my mind nor can I allow her to inflict her will on others.”

She searched his eyes, and then his skin, those small tells, the nuisances of expression that hid deception. They weren’t there. He was earnest. He hadn’t intended to use the statue but destroy it. She swallowed to clear the lump in her throat.

“What did you think?” He waved a bloody hand as if warding off a blow. “No, don’t say.”

Blood. She jerked straight. Hoff had shot him. Here she was fretting over their future while he bled.

“Mayhap, I don’t deserve credit.” Victor’s lips twitched into a sardonic smile.

Always so good at wheedling out her feelings, he’d likely read her concern over his wound. Her vision blurred in the heated air.

“I know I’ve done unspeakable things. Things that need now to be set right. I began last night with you and our relationship. I thought I’d succeeded, but no.”

“You did. You have. It’s me who’s at fault currently. I doubted you, but I don’t now. It’s your health that alarms me. You, I’m sure of. Very sure.” She blinked hard and focused on the goal—Victor.

If you’d like to check out more of Other Than, you can find it at these links:

The Wild Rose Press, Amazon, Kobo, and iBooks.

If you’d like to connect with me, visit the following places:

Amazon author page:
Facebook: Mia.Jo.Celeste

If you’d like to learn more about filter words, here are some great posts:

Xander (A Dark Assassins Novel) by Valerie Ullmer #AuthorLove #Romance


Xander (A Dark Assassins Novel Book Three)
By Valerie Ullmer
Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Xander cover


Half-human, half-shifter.

Xander has secretly yearned for a mate for most of his immortal existence, and yet after three of his friends found exactly what he’s always wanted, he’d come to believe that he’d missed his chance at happiness.

Until he heard her voice.

Frost is a wildlife biologist and tracker and she has been assigned, despite her adamant protests, to lead mercenaries into the mountains of Snowfall, Colorado for the sole purpose of killing immortal shifters.  In order to protect those who have no idea the kind of danger they are in, she agrees.  As she leads the armed men on a wild chase around the snow-covered pines, she could sense that she was running out of time.

Until she heard his voice.

Xander understands exactly who Frost is the moment he hears her thoughts.  With the help of Kane and Gunnar, they eliminate those in her group as they try to keep her safe.  But during the fight, she is hurt and all of his protective instincts flare to life.  As Xander learns more about her, he realizes that Frost might be the key to the creation of the immortals, both vampire and shifter.

But when she becomes a target from those who want to destroy the Dark Company and Xander’s family, how far will he go to save her?

Available at: Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon AU

Excerpt (Adult Language):

Xander froze when he heard a feminine voice carry over to him, she sounded closer than she had been even a few moments before.  He should have sensed her coming closer.  But the only question on his mind was why the fuck she was tagging along with a group of mercenaries.  He heard the voice again, a tinny version of her voice, and for a long moment he couldn’t understand the words.  Until she stepped forward.

No, no.  Not that way.  Not that way.

Something warmed his chest as he heard her in his head as clearly as they were speaking aloud.  A familiarity washed over him and he felt connected to this woman in an elemental way.  A feeling a peace settled over him.  He knew this was the first time he’d ever heard her voice.  He was so stunned and happy that he didn’t even question how they were able to mind link.

Can either of you hear the woman’s thoughts?

Woman?  Gunnar sounded confused.

Kane’s reply was quick and clipped.  No.



Xander tried to get her attention.  Can you hear me?

He held his breath when he heard her distinct gasp, knowing that their mind link worked.  His chest filled with dread at the thought that she gave herself away, until he heard her next words.

“I spotted a grizzly bear in the trees to the west.  Sorry, I startled him and he ran off.”

For long seconds, the men in the clearing stared at the woman before they were ordered to keep searching.

Xander stood close enough that he could see her curves underneath the heavy white parka.  And having the worst timing in the world, Xander felt himself harden.  He took a deep, cleansing breath of sharp mountain air that instantly cooled his overheated body.

Yes, I can hear you.  These men, seven in total, are looking for immortals.  They have been contracted by my boss at U.S. Fish and Wildlife to kill them.  Apparently the immortals are supposed to become animals.  Can you help me without hurting yourself?  They are heavily armed.

Xander was taken completely by surprise.  She didn’t question their connection but instead relayed vital information that he would need.  He could also start to feel her emotions.  She wasn’t scared, just determined.  He could hear her heart beating at a fast rate and her breathing strained from either the hike up the mountain or the tension in the air.  He watched as she subtly shifted her head around as she searched for him, unable to spot him in the trees.

We can help.  I’m going to communicate with my team and we’ll take out the men.  Are you okay with that?

Yes, I know they are paid mercenaries and I’m pissed that they killed a wolf two days ago for no other reason than they wanted to shoot something.

What’s your name?


Frost, I’m Xander.  When I tell you to run, run south.  Okay?

Yes, I understand.

Xander relayed the conversation he had with Frost.  We are going to have to kill them, there’s no other way around it.  They couldn’t have a threat looming over them, especially if one escaped and brought in a stronger, more trained group of mercenaries.  Although they could easily defeat any group of fighters, keeping their existence a secret was crucial.  The more humans that knew about them, the bigger the danger it posed.

Working as a team, they closed in on the unsuspecting mercenaries.  At first, they quietly removed those men who were stationed on the outer perimeter, using knives to subdue them, or in Xander’s case, using his bare hands and quickly snapping their necks.  He didn’t want Frost to see blood on him.  The only sound he could hear detect was the grunts of the men who were dispatched.  By the time Gunnar, Kane, and he closed in on their ranks, there were only three mercenaries remaining.

The older man spotted movement in Gunnar’s direction and without hesitation raised his weapon and started firing.  The wolf easily dodged the shots before melting farther into the trees.  Silence descended upon the area as the man searched for Gunnar.

Frost, run south, keep as low as you can and use the trees as cover.

About the Author:

Valerie writes paranormal and contemporary romances with strong alpha males and brilliant, beautiful heroines. She lives in Denver, Colorado with her wonderfully supportive husband and their funny and wise black lab. She’s addicted to coffee, crime shows, and reading and writing character driven romances.

Connect with Valerie and show her some #AuthorLove