Tova’s Dragon #free at #MFRWHooks

I’m excited to announce that my spicy dragon shifter romance novella, Tova’s Dragon, is FREE at Amazon from Oct. 9 through Oct. 13!

Tova's Dragon freeBlurb:

Seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg. Only he can aid you. You must fly with the dragon.

Tova Svensdottir, an earth mage, is on a mission to save her homeland, the Kingdom of Velosia from the evil wizard Bruno of Grimmdorn. Her grandmother tells her to seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg, but the old lord is dead. In his castle, high on a mountaintop, she instead encounters his son, the Outlaw Kane.

Kane fled Velosia after a futile attempt to rescue his father and his mate from Bruno’s cruel prison, killing the head guard in the process. Now that Bruno has been banished, Kane has returned to clear his name, but his purpose changes when he meets Tova. Tova’s warmth stirs his passions and her courage touches his heart, but he dreads telling her of his true nature, certain she will recoil. But Tova is made of sterner stuff.

Together, Kane and Tova have the power to save Velosia. If they survive the coming battle. But can an earth mage find happiness with a dragonshifter?

Free on Kindle Unlimited from Oct. 9-13, 2019



Seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg. Only he can aid you. You must fly with the dragon.

Her grandmother’s words rang in Tova’s head as she climbed the path into the mountains. Why had Mutti Zee sent her out of her way on a fool’s errand? Everyone knew the dragonfolk had fled Velosia years ago, driven away by Bruno of Grimmdorn’s crusade against them. Until he’d been driven from power. Now Bruno had returned at the head of a mercenary army, if Mutti Zee’s vision could be believed. And Tova had no doubts. She’d felt the vibrations in the earth.

And somehow she was supposed to save the kingdom?

She raised her gaze to the sky and asked, “Why me? I’m no hero.” The heavens gave no answer, though she saw clouds form to her left. She shook her head. Now she was talking to herself, like mad Magnus, the village idiot.

She stopped to catch her breath and rest her tired legs in a level area. The path ahead grew steeper and narrower the higher it wound into the mountains. She groaned. After walking all day, her legs ached. She was glad she’d worn men’s breeches and a tunic with her sturdy boots. A gown and petticoats would be but a hindrance.

After a deep breath, she started to climb again. Dusk came early in autumn, and she needed to find shelter before dark. Castle Drakkenberg, abandoned and forlorn, perched high above on a cliff, its turrets silhouetted against the leaden sky. Almost as if mocking her with its remoteness. Too much was at stake and her chances of reaching the capital in time to warn the king were slim at best. Even without this detour, she estimated the journey to Castle Novita would take three days or more.

For centuries, the dragon lords had resided in the castle, ruling the isolated mountain communities. People in this area were known as dragonfolk, though Tova knew not why. A great puzzle, but one she had no time to ponder. With luck, she had but to find the dragonlord, and he would take charge of the quest.

A shadow blocked the sun, and she looked up at an enormous bird silhouetted against the sky. Goddess, she’d never seen such a large raptor. It turned and the sun’s rays glinted on its shiny red-gold wings and barbed tail. She stopped and stared after it, shaken to the core of her being.

No, impossible. Dragons didn’t exist. They couldn’t.

Grab your free copy to read more! Honest reviews are appreciated.


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Kane Reveals His True Self: Tova’s Dragon #MFRWHooks

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Dragons don’t exist, or do they? In this snippet from Tova’s Dragon, Kane reveals his true nature.

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Kane studied the runes. “This tells the story of the Lightning Maid, a daughter of Thor, who inherited his ability to channel lightning. ’Tis said she passed the ability to her descendants, but only to the daughters.”

Tova stiffened. No, impossible. A chill ran through her as she turned to face Kane. “How curious. My father liked that tale. Papa said it was about one of his great- great-grandmothers.” Her words trailed off as she recalled her father, a large, fair-haired man, holding her in his lap, telling her fantastical stories of his homeland. A wave of yearning shook her. Though he was long gone from her life, she missed him yet. “When I was little, I believed his stories. Or rather, I wanted to believe.”

“And now?” Kane’s gaze was keen, as if her answer were important.

She shrugged. “I know they were meant to entertain a small child.” Anything else was unthinkable.

“Perhaps not.”

Another shiver passed over her. “What do you mean?”

He took her hand again. “Over the years, stories become exaggerated. New storytellers add their own twists and details, but sometimes a kernel of truth exists amongst the exaggerations.”

She studied his face. Was he teasing her? “Do you mean there may really have been a lightning maid?”

“I think it possible.”

“Nonsense.” She refused to believe otherwise.

He arched a brow. “Is it? I watched you deflect a lightning bolt earlier today.”

She gasped, pulled her hand away and took a step back. “How did you see that? You were here in the cave.”

“I was outside, watching you.”

She gaped at him. “But how? I never saw you.”

He sighed. “I have much to explain, but time is of the essence.”

“I know,” she said. “We have a hard trip ahead of us tomorrow. Perhaps we should rest now.”

“We have no time to rest. We leave after dark.”

His words puzzled her. “Don’t you mean at first light?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “No, we’ll be traveling by night. I have excellent night vision.”

She faced him, her hands fisted at her side, alarmed by his words. “But I do not. Surely the mountains are too dangerous at night, even with the full moon.”

“It doesn’t matter, Tova. ’Tis time to fly with the dragon.”

She heaved a sigh and stared at him. Must he always be so enigmatic? “What on earth do you mean? Everyone knows there are no dragons outside of fairy stories.”

“Are there not? Did you not see one earlier today?”

She frowned, thinking back to that afternoon. “I saw a bird, a rather large bird.” She hesitated, picturing the creature in her mind, with its enormous wingspan and barbed tail. She gasped as the truth hit her. “The large, red-gold bird?”

“That was no bird, Tova.”

Suddenly faint, she reached out and steadied herself on the large rune stone. When she spoke, her voice was shaky. “You mean… a… dragon?”

“You saw me.”

Tova's Dragon coverTova’s Dragon
by Lyndi Lamont
Kingdoms & Legends Part 2
(Sequel to Ilona’s Wolf)

Seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg. Only he can aid you. You must fly with the dragon.

Tova Svensdottir, an earth mage, is on a mission to save her homeland, the Kingdom of Velosia from the evil wizard Bruno of Grimmdorn. Her grandmother tells her to seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg, but the old lord is dead. In his castle, high on a mountaintop, she instead encounters his son, the Outlaw Kane.

Kane fled Velosia after a futile attempt to rescue his father and his mate from Bruno’s cruel prison, killing the head guard in the process. Now that Bruno has been banished, Kane has returned to clear his name, but his purpose changes when he meets Tova. Tova’s warmth stirs his passions and her courage touches his heart, but he dreads telling her of his true nature, certain she will recoil. But

Tova is made of sterner stuff.

Together, Kane and Tova have the power to save Velosia. If they survive the coming battle. But can an earth mage find happiness with a dragonshifter?

Currently available at Amazon for #99cents or read free with KU:


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Lyndi Lamont