Temporarily Employed by @VickiBatman #MFRWauthor

In the Spotlight bannerTemporarily Employed coverTemporarily Employed
romantic comedy mystery by Vicki Batman
The Wild Rose Press

New Job. New Love. And Murder. Hattie Cook’s dream job is down the toilet and her new SUV violated. Desperate for cash to cover the basic necessities of rent and food, she takes a temporary job at Buy Rite Insurance Company where she uncovers an embezzling scam tied to the death of a former employee–the very one she replaced.

Detective Allan Charles Wellborn has secretly adored Hattie all his life. When the police determine there’s more to the death of a former Buy Rite employee, he steps in to lead the investigation. Overly dedicated, always perfect, he puts his job first, even if doing so ultimately hurts the one he loves.

Can the killer be found before Hattie’s time is up?

Buy from Amazon ebook, Amazon Paperback, The Wild Rose Press ebook, The Wild Rose Press paperback.



Pretty much covered the whole freakin’ day.

A blinding red-white, red-white strobe, reflected in my brand new Wrangler’s rearview mirror, seized my attention. The police. I tossed my hands skyward, ready to surrender. I shouldn’t have been too surprised. Like I’d commented this a.m. to my roommate, Jenny, “Today, anything’s possible.”

My Bad Day checklist included:

– Crappy job interview, one which might have provided desperately needed income.

– Wore gut-busting panty hose on a hot day which had now worked past my waist  and strangled my diaphragm.

– A barely blowing air conditioner indicated something had malfunctioned in my new, fun car.

I stole another glance in the mirror, and with great reluctance, flipped the right turn indicator. My vehicle coasted to a stop on the shoulder of Boston Avenue in my hometown of Sommerville, a nice suburb located between two large cities. Four lanes of cars and trucks zipped by as I sat there where every single one of my family, friends, friends’ friends, and their friends—including Rat Fink Suzanne—would see a police vehicle positioned right behind mine. Gleefully, drivers would chant the “Ha-ha, got you, not me” ditty.

How embarrassing.

After killing the engine, I flopped back in the seat. Shooting the morons the finger was an idea. Nah. I’m too exhausted to care.

A litany of: “No, not hiring.” “Just filled the position.” “You’re over qualified.” “You’re under qualified…” tornadoed through my head. Coupled with the intense job search through various outlets like the internet and completing numerous online employment applications, no wonder my body had been depleted of all life force.

Not even a breeze blew to take the edge off the unbearable summertime heat. Tangled wild trees and dry scrubby bushes banked the roadside. The grass had taken on a scorched look. Rolling down the driver’s window, I surveyed my surroundings. Nothing great. Nothing new.

I stole a glance in the side mirror at the policeman who strode purposefully along the shoulder. The gravel crunched under his boots. He looked huge, probably because his uniform, which appeared to be bulked with a bullet-proof vest, made him resemble a buffed-up superhero in size. Exceedingly intimidating.

Sigh. When things went wrong, they were really wrong.

Vicki BatmanAuthor bio:

Like some of her characters, award-winning author, Vicki Batman has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything gal” at a financial services firm–the list is endless, giving her plenty of crazy material for her writing.

Writing for several years, she has completed three manuscripts, written essays, and sold many short stories. She is a member of RWA and several writing groups and chapters. In 2004, she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010. Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking “What if??

Find Vicki at:

Website: http://vickibatman.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ipdLkv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VickiBatman
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vickibatman
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4814608.Vicki_Batman
Amazon Author Central: https://www.amazon.com/author/vickibatman
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=116288777&trk=hb_tab_pro_top
Google+: bit.ly/1zUggDF
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/vickibatman
Plotting Princesses: http://plottingprincesses.blogspot.com
Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/o1515093723
Email: [email protected]

Leave a comment below, and don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Update: Vicki has offered to add an ebook copy of Man Theory…and Other Stories to the giveaway pot. A big thank you to Vicki for her generosity.

Linda / Lyndi

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#fallingintolove with A Guy and A Girl by _VictoriaAdams

falling into love buttonVictoria Adams is here today to tell us about her latest release, A Guy and A Girl, a New Adult #fallingintolove read.

Lies, deceits and secrets – not a good way to begin a relationship.

book coverBlurb:

After an ugly past forced Hunter Connolly to escape to Europe, the talented hockey player is back in North America and determined to land a position with a professional team. But he can’t hide from his past forever, especially when his beautiful classmate, Chelsea, forces him to reexamine his life. Soon, hockey is not his first priority anymore.

Chelsea Henderson is a bright co-ed working towards her dream of being a professional dancer. She forms a unique friendship with one of her father’s newest recruits and would love nothing more than to take it to the next level. However, there’s just one small problem. He doesn’t know she’s his coach’s daughter.

Amid the deceptions, danger lurks closer than they could ever imagine. Will fate contrive to rip the young lovers apart? Or will Hunter and Chelsea have their shot at love?

Available exclusively at Amazon.

Guy & Girl bannerExcerpt:

“Come on in.” Hunter called from his spot sprawled on the floor in front of his sofa.

Chelsea walked into the living room. “Hey.”

He nodded, grabbed the remote and muted the television.

Chelsea spun a kitchen chair around and sat on it. “Okay, the silence’s killing me. I’ll start with some lame conversation and you just leap in. How was the bio midterm?”

“Passed it. Should write all my exams with a hangover.”

She tapped her fingernail on her thigh. “Guess that was the end of the conversation starters.”

Hunter levelled a glare at her. “What do you want, Chelsea?”

“I want you to sound less angry. I want to talk. I’d like to try and explain. First off, I’m so sorry the cops hauled you in.”


“No?” Her voice squeaked.

“Todd was stalking you. The cops had no idea if it was him or me. And from the questions asked, I’d say some pretty weird things’d been happening.”

She shuddered. “I kept thinking I was being paranoid or something. But that’s not why I’m here.”

Hunter slammed a fist on the carpet. “I damn near slept with the coach’s daughter! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

Chelsea watched the tiredness in his eyes shift to rage. “Because… because….”

“I wouldn’t date you if I knew who you were.”

“Yea and that’s not fair.” She sat up taller and matched her gaze with his. “It’s not my fault your coach is my dad.”

Hunter closed his eyes and sighed. “I don’t know what to do, Chelsea. My head hurts too damn much to think.”

“Damn it, Hunter, I really like you. I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I don’t want to lose us.”

“I don’t know if there’s going to be an us anymore.” He rubbed his temples.

Chelsea sat behind him on the sofa, slipped her hands under his and began massaging his head.

Hunter pushed her hands away. Although it hurt him to say it, he said, “Go home, Chels. I need time to think.”

He refused to look at her. He couldn’t. He knew he’d give in, wrap his arms around her and beg her to stay.

A Bit about Victoria Adams:

I live in Ontario, Canada with my husband and pets. Daughter’s grown up and is now teaching. I like to garden, cook and study Raqs Sharqi (Egyptian belly dance). I’ve been writing since I was little. Being an only child, long car rides were filled with making up stories in my head about the people I saw out the car window. I wrote my first full manuscript in 10th grade. When my daughter was younger, I made up stories that she suggested. I’d say – Once upon a time there was a…. She’d shout an answer – chicken! And the story went from there. Great creativity exercise as it turns out. Now, my writing style has taken a split to contemporary romance for adults and contemporary romance for new adults.

Circles Trilogy is my first series.

Dancing in Circleshttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B009PFNPMG
Circles Dividedhttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BBKNDAC
Circles Interlocked – Ebook link – http://www.amazon.com/Circles-Interlocked-ebook/dp/B005S8LI46
Print – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/circles-interlocked-victoria-adams/1113052929?ean=9781475268928
(Books 1 and 2 will be out in paperback in the not too distant future.)

Where to find me:
Blog – Pages of Romance – http://victoriaadams.blogspot.com
FaceBook – http://www.facebook.com/victoriaadams.romancewriter
Facebook Author Page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Victoria-Adams/244325918978641
FaceBook – Circles Trilogy Page – http://www.facebook.com/CirclesTrilogy?ref=hl
Twitter – http://twitter.com/_VictoriaAdams
Google+ – https://plus.google.com/u/0/101309354959026073738/posts
Wattpad – http://www.wattpad.com/user/VictoriaAdams

I’d love to hear from my fans. It helps to connect with what my readers what to read.

And use the Rafflecopter form below to enter Linda’s November giveaway of a $10 Amazon gift card.

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