Soundtracks: Music To Write By #MFRWauthor #blog Challenge

MFRW blog challenge badgeIt’s WEEK 7 of the MFRW 52-week blog challenge, and this time the prompt is Music To Write By. In my case that means movie soundtracks.

Why soundtracks, you may wonder.

Because I can’t write and listen to songs. I stop writing to sing along, and that gets me nowhere. My first choice of writing music was The Pachelbel Canon with Ocean Sounds by Anastasi. Classical plus New Age. Very soothing and mesmerizing.

Last of the Mohicans CD coverThen, when I was writing my French & Indian War novel, Rogue’s Hostage, I discovered the Daniel Day Lewis movie of The Last of the Mohicans. I didn’t just love the movie, I loved the soundtrack, too, so I got the CD and listened to it while continuing to write the book. I loved it! The moment I heard that music, I was back in that time and place.

From then on I looked for a soundtrack from a movie similar to the book I was writing at the time.

For Regency: Sense and Sensibility
For Science Fiction: Stargate Atlantis
For my Fairy Tale romances: The Mists of Avalon

Somewhere in Time CD coverAnd another favorite is the soundtrack to Somewhere In Time by John Barry, one of the most beautiful and romantic soundtracks ever written.

The only problem I had was with the one contemporary, Worth The Risk. I finally settled on the soundtrack for The Rocketeer, which has a score I love. The problem with most contemporary soundtracks is that they use a lot of popular songs. And then I’m singing instead of writing. Some of my friends can write while listening to songs, but it doesn’t work for me.

I have tried using classical music, but prefer soundtracks for the recurring themes that give the overall score a continuity.

At home, I listen to the New Age Soundscapes channel on my TV when I need to relax. What do you listen to when you’re writing or just relaxing?


Click on the linky list below for more Music to Write (or Read) By.

13 thoughts on “Soundtracks: Music To Write By #MFRWauthor #blog Challenge

  1. I listen to just about everything:) I have several lists on YouTube, and when one of my daughters installed Pandora on my phone, I now have three go-to channels: Classic Rock, Luke Bryan, or Trans-Siberian Orchestra (which I rediscovered at a Christmas show this past holiday!)

  2. I’ve listened to the soundtracks to western movies when writing historical westerns, but hadn’t thought of it for the fantasy and science fiction ones. I’ll have to look up your lists. The only scifi soundtrack I have is Buck Rogers In the 21st Century and I can’t stop singing “where am I, who am I?” No writing done then. But definitely looking the others. Its been a while since I saw Somewhere In Time so I had forgotten that music. Off to the music store. thanks for sharing.

    • LOL, I’ll take Buck Rogers off my list. I haven’t tried any of the new Star Trek or Star Wars movies either, but that’s something to think about. The Magnificent Seven is my go to music for Westerns. Great classic score.

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